Working On My Night Moves
March 04, 2004 - 3:14 AM
In The Headphones: VH1 Classic - Rush - Tom Sawyer
On The Nightstand: People Magazine

I could get used to this working from home thing. Much more relaxing. Last night astrocat IM'd with me all night, which helped make the time sail by quickly. I went to bed around 6 AM and slept for 7 hours. It did take me a good hour to really wake up and function normally though. But then, having the whole afternoon, I was able to get some things done around my place that I'd been procrastinating on. I am a really good procrastinator.

Tomorrow (well, today really) I want to go to the fabric store and try to find a new craft project to work on. I got a sewing machine for Christmas and I can't wait to try it out. I actually just bought the machine but the money for it was given to me at Christmas. I'd really like to go to Mendel's Art Supplies on Haight St. They have some really great fabrics. I'd like to try and make a handbag or something.

So working the night phones I've talked to people in the UK, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Malaysia. Pretty interesting. And I have to giggle when I think I'm talking to them in my pajamas with my kitty snuggled next to me. Yes, this working at home definitely has it's benefits!

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Woot Woot! - February 04, 2005
I've Got Tom-Toms In My Tum-Tum - January 31, 2005
The Seven Deadly Sins of December - January 04, 2005
Yummy and Gross - December 07, 2004
Big Changes On The Horizon - December 01, 2004