The Seven Deadly Sins of December
January 04, 2005 - 11:02 PM
In The Headphones: Mates of State - Team Boo
On The Nightstand: Real Simple Magazine

I took BART into The City mid-month and went to Cinta Salon for a haircut and highlights. Damn, I look fabulous! Fabulous, I tell you! ;)
Our company holiday party was later the same night. I went and I looked damn good. Damn good, I tell you! ;)

The party was held at Left Bank. Mary, the woman who planned it all, did such a great job. I would kill for her event planning talents.
I'm envious of the thoughtful generosity of friends and family whose gift giving I feel was far, far superior in thoughtfulness than what they were given from me. I am truly blessed.

I tried not to do too much over indulging but it's nearly impossible this time of year.
The food at the aforementioned company holiday party was not to be believed! When Mary told us that we should all take home some of the food (because it was all paid for and she didn't want it to go to waste) we took not one but two boxes home.
We didn't drink too much at the party, even though we had been greeted at the door with a glass of champagne and the wait staff never let our glass of whatever become less than half full the entire night. But after the party Mark bought us a bottle of Absolut Vanilia and we continued to imbibe at home. It was gone before the weekend was. Absolut Vanilia is my new best friend. ;)
I loved the Absolut so much, I bought another bottle the next week to drink over Christmas. I also purchased a bottle of brandy and a bottle of rum to mix with Egg Nog and to make Tom and Jerry's. Mark also gave me another bottle of the Absolut Vanilia as a Christmas gift he insisted I open on Christmas Eve. By Tuesday, one of the bottles of Absolut was gone, the brandy bottle was dangerously low and the rum bottle was more than half empty.
Mark's birthday was this past Sunday and he wanted to go to House of Prime Rib for dinner. He's had a personal goal to visit what he considers to be San Francisco's best steakhouses. I don't know what the criteria is that puts a restaurant on his list but House of Prime Rib was the last one. It was good. He enjoyed it. But I think we both agree that Morton's of Chicago is the best.
Not only did we go to the House of Prime Rib on Sunday but we also got a little snack of fried plantains with creamy black beans at Cha Cha Cha on Haight Street after shopping at Amoeba. Oh My God! So, so good! I must go back for more and soon!

Actually, not a lot of lust happening in my life theses days. :( Hopefully, this is a temporary situation.

Montgomery... sometimes I could wring his little neck! He's peed on my bed no less than 4 times in the last several weeks. Worried that it might be a urinary tract infection, which for cats can be serious if not fatal if not treated immediately, I took him to the vet. He didn't think it was a UTI but prescribed an antibiotic "just in case". So, after we get through the horrors of forcing a pill down kitty's throat 2 times a day for 2 weeks, if he's still using the bed as a litter box, then it is not health related but a "behavioral problem". He's actually been pretty good since the visit to the vet's. At least, he's been using his litter box and not the bed. However, he has decided he doesn't like the food I feed him and is refusing to eat it. It's not a lack of appetite. He isn't refusing any of the Kitty Treats we picked up at the vets office. He just sniffs his food bowl and walks away. He also hasn't been drinking much. I was cleaning his Drinkwell Pet Fountain over Christmas and lost an essential part, rendering it useless. So he's been forced to drink standing water--God Forbid! Turns out, he'd much rather drink the mossy, slimy, scummy water that's collected on the balcony from all the rain we've had lately. Go figure. Last night, in an effort to get him to eat/drink something somewhat normal, I added some water to his food bowl. He went crazy for the water but a little less crazy for the softened food. But he did eat some of it after I mixed some of his kitty treats in with it, which makes ME feel better. So, the whole peeing on the bed thing might have just been acting out about his precious little water fountain. Or it might be something else entirely. I'm not sure yet. I'm still keeping my eye on him, the little brat!

For Christmas, Mark got me some Bose TriPort Headphones. They rock!

With the exception of the 30th, I was off work from December 24th until January 3rd. I had plans to get things organized for the New Year. I did nothing. Strike that. I did a Super Clean on the 24th. But after that, nothing. New Years Day I went from bed, to couch, to bed with quick trips to the fridge and the bathroom in between. Granted, I was sick with a monster cold and it could have been the double dose of Nyquil Cough and Cold mixed with the huge Absolut Vanilia and Coke I drank the night before. But I wish I had been more productive with my time than I was.

1 comments so far

astrocat - 2005-01-08 09:15:54
All in all, it sounded like a classic Christmas!

Woot Woot! - February 04, 2005
I've Got Tom-Toms In My Tum-Tum - January 31, 2005
The Seven Deadly Sins of December - January 04, 2005
Yummy and Gross - December 07, 2004
Big Changes On The Horizon - December 01, 2004