Knit One, Purl Two
July 07, 2004 - 5:25 PM
In The Headphones: Jason Falkner - Everyone Says It's On
On The Nightstand: Yarn, Needles and Hooks

I found a knitting class at the Michael's by my house. $10 per class. I'd pay that. In fact, I did. I went last night and learned the basics. I've been practicing all day. For the life of me I can't coordinate those needles. I'm used to a shorter crochet hook. I've got the stitches down, it's just a matter of coordinating my hands to actually make them. I'll get it. They offer the class 3 days a week. I'm gonna keep practicing rows of stitches and once I'm comfortable with that I'll go back and learn more. The instructor started us on a hat but, being the anal retentive perfectionist that I am, I ripped it all out. I want to get it right before I make something. But soon, I hope to be a knitting fool.

1 comments so far

astrocat - 2004-07-09 03:42:18
I'm sooooo jealous!! I've been wanting to knit badly lately, but I haven't had the time. What length of needles are you using? My sister/knitting teacher says it's easier to start on short ones, like the 9 or 10 inch length. If you are using the more common 14 inch needles, you might want to get some shorter ones. You're totally going to be better than me in no time, aren't you? And I can see you actually making things, whereas I am pretty content knitting no-brainer scarves and squares (why I like knitting, to calm my brain down). Have fun and keep us up to date on your progress! :-)

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