Like A Stray Dog Gone Defective
January 15, 2004 - 4:58 PM
In The Headphones: Beck - Sea Change
On The Nightstand: Real Simple Magazine

I heard on the news last night that Kodak is going to stop selling 35mm cameras in the US, Canada and Western Europe. I guess they are going to concentrate on the digital market. I'd hate to see 35mm cameras completely disappear, at least in my life time. I took a photography class in high school and really enjoyed developing film and printing pictures. I liked taking the film out of the cartridge and wrapping it around the little metal reel and shaking the canister with the developing chemicals in it. It was a whole process and felt more like you were actually creating something, making something out of nothing. Digital photography doesn't have that same quality. I wish I was into it more, enough to have my own dark room. I think there are places around SF where you can use their darkrooms. I doubt I'd remember how to do it though.

One of my agents gave their 2 week notice today. I can't say that I'm upset. He's not a bad guy, just annoying. Like a mosquito buzzing in your ear while you're trying to sleep. He reminds me of the typical disco king of the 70's; silk shirt unbuttoned to his naval to show off the gold medallion nested in his thick dark chest hair, that macho swagger, a sly grin under his thick dark mustache. A greasy Mark Spitz, if you will. And worst of all his name is Mark so people would get confused when I said "Mark and I did such-and-such this weekend" thinking Disco King and I were having some kind of clandestine romance. AS IF! And he has this heh-heh-heh laugh and a slow laborious way of talking, dragging conversations on and on when you don't really want to be talking to him in the first place. Jenn and I are able to shoot the shit across the cubicle walls but he has to come and stand at your cube door or worse, sit on your desk. So no, I won't be sad to see him go.

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Woot Woot! - February 04, 2005
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