Maybe This Year Will Be Better Than The Last
January 10, 2004 - 10:04 PM
In The Headphones: Counting Crows - Recovering The Satellites
On The Nightstand: Zoetrope Magazine

A new year, a new look. It seemed like a good idea to begin 2004 with a new layout. I'll probably do a little more tweaking but all in all I love it. Thanks to Lex at Catching Stars Designs for the template.

I was reading through some past entries as I was working on this and realized that the goals I set for myself last year were, for the most part, accomplished. I moved into a great apartment that I absolutely love and I kicked ass in school if only in the sense that I passed Statistics. So I'm happy about that. I think for me, 2003 was about the give and take in my personal relationships. I went through a lot with how I felt about Mark. Although I was the one that ended our boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, I still went back and forth with my feelings for him when we were together. I suppose that should be expected. Once you are intimate with someone it's hard to stop wanting that. But I've worked through all that and now the time we spend together is less complicated.

I also examined some of the other relationships in my life where the give and take wasn't feeling balanced. I kept hearing the question Dr. Phil asks; "How's that working for you?" I had to answer that it WASN'T working for me so I let them go. While the outcome wasn't what I wanted it to be, it was what it was and it remains what it is.

So my goals for 2004...

I'd like to work at saving more and spending less. I'd like to take a REAL vacation this year. And I'd like to find some good people to fill my life with. Being single in my 30's is a weird time. Most other people my age are married and most of those marrieds have kids and I just don't have anything in common with them. And hanging out in the bars every weekend with the "hipsters" just isn't as appealing as it once was. So yeah, 2004... all about finding a new niche.

1 comments so far

astrocat - 2004-01-16 23:43:04
Nice, fun new digs! I like.

Woot Woot! - February 04, 2005
I've Got Tom-Toms In My Tum-Tum - January 31, 2005
The Seven Deadly Sins of December - January 04, 2005
Yummy and Gross - December 07, 2004
Big Changes On The Horizon - December 01, 2004